The Inspiration Collective

Join to help us inspire the Savanna community and its visitors. Think of it like a gym for creativity and inspiration! Exercise your soul!

Business Membership*

Limited Availability

$100/month or $1000/year (if paid in full)

* Note: This membership requires a damage deposit, proof of business insurance, and proof of any certifications required to conduct your business.

Basic Artist Membership

Limited Availability

$30/month or $300/year (if paid in full)

* Note: This membership may require a damage deposit, proof of business insurance, and proof of any certifications required to conduct your business if you are hosting large events in the space.

Basic Membership

Coming Soon

This membership will be for community members who wish to receive discounted rates on classes and events offered in The Sanctuary. We will share the details of this membership once our class/event schedules are finalized. Please let us know if you would like to be alerted when this type of membership is available by emailing or filling out the membership form below.

Ready to join? Apply now!